Saturday, July 19, 2014

New Zealand Doctor Premieres Ambitious Trilogy

As one might expect for a New Zealand family physician with a sideline cinema practice, Peter Jackson is cited as a filmmaking influence. But so too, on David Whittet's handsome honor roll page, are Franco Zeffirelli, David Lean and Steven Spielberg, alongside a few other broader muses like Charles Dickens and Steve Jobs.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Suburban St. Louis Mass Shooting, Revisited

It's going to be an emotional afternoon at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase. Elegy to Connie, a one-hour stop-motion animated hybrid documentary about a 2008 mass shooting at the Kirkwood City Council, is scheduled to locally premiere Sunday July 13th at 2:30 p.m. with the filmmaker in attendance.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Filmmaker Pays Strangers to Quit Smoking

It's the equivalent of earning a token $2.73 (Canadian) per day. And while this reverse version of a smoker's addiction-costs is not going to make anyone rich, a half-dozen folks have now taken up Bruce Robinson on his unorthodox walk-up, quit-smoking-for-a-year challenge.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Toledo Filmmaker Back Home for a Little Networking

This crime comedy was made in LA back in 2007 for around $2,000. Now that director Tom Madigan is back for a bit in his native Toledo, he's staging a screening. Think of it as the polar opposite of Transformers: Age of Extinction.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Prop Heroin; Prop Handgun; Real Jail Time

Via Facebook, Chicago music video producer and aspiring filmmaker Joseph Gatheright kept family and friends updated.