Saturday, August 23, 2014

One More Q&A for Alt-Weekly Reporter Billy Manes

Billy Manes' Orlando Weekly bio ends with the rhetorical, 'In his spare time, he likes listening to Duran Duran with his three miniature pinschers. Don’t you?'

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Close-Knit Band of Movie Lovers

The genealogy of this documentary begins with an interrupted conversation in LA's San Fernando Valley in the fall of 2010 and continues Friday, August 22nd with a premiere screening at a film festival in Oaklyn, New Jersey.

Vetting the Capture of a Mexican Drug Cartel Leader

Charlie Minn is absolutely right when he says that he is "relentless." He's made ten documentaries in the past four years and the latest opens Friday August 22nd in Tempe, Arizona for a limited run.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Reddit Discussion Exposes Short Film Thievery

What do you do when you discover your 2008 short film My Mom Smokes Weed has been co-opted - as Smoked - by another filmmaker to bolster their reel? If you're Austin-based Clay Liford, you challenge the thief on Twitter while also making sure the full story is relayed.

Montana Short Tackles Age-Old Question: 'Where Do Babies Come From?'

Myrna Loy, born August 2nd, 1905 some 40 miles outside of Helena, Montana and the posthumous patron of a facility christened in Helena in 1991, would likely have approved.