The movie stars Gabriel Mann as Daniel Jakor, a struggling artist who finds success as a forger. However, his illegal activities eventually get him tangled up with a crooked gallery owner (David Thornton) and Irish mob boss (Robert Loggia, pictured), leading him to try and extricate himself from the colorful mess with the help of his ex-fiancee, an art authenticator (Jill Flint). (Fisher Stevens is the other recognizable name in the cast.)
An old pro (Copyright Playful Trekker)
The 39-year-old Friedle returned to his native New England to make the film after many years spent working in LA. He shot at local galleries and recruited various artists to provide Fake's props. The works of four of these collaborators are being showcased at the Lichtfield Hills festival headquarters - Jimmy Rhea, Ethan Boisvert, Glynnis Sorentino, and Elliot Velez.
Fake is a family affair, with Friedle's parents on board as executive producers. After this weekend's sold out premiere, the movie is scheduled to screen next at the Newport Beach Film Festival.
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